Angels or Devils - Dishwalla

Sunday, July 20, 2008


of course..
i wanted it..
so very badly..

sometimes i think its not worth the fight..
sometimes the matter was just small..
but it blew up..
in a matter of seconds..

today i shall tell a tale of 2 lions..

once there lived 2 lions..
they were great with each other's company..
having fun..

perhaps ignorance?
or maybe a bit of reliance?
taking things for granted?

they dint know..
but at times they could hurt each other..
so deeply that nothing could save them..

one day one of lions had a dream..
it dreamt that both the other lion as well as itself were lying at a stream..
both were bleeding..
almost dying..
but who??
who could kill the king of the jungle??

due to a little misunderstanding..
both lions fought..
they ended up wounded..
in bad shape..
as they lay down the stream..
one of them thought..
why have things turned out to be this way..
"i dint have to be so hard headed.."
"the matter could just rest.."
and nothing would happen..

well nothing can happen now..
not any more..
as it's life force edged itself away.......
Lion woke..
startled and shocked..
and from then on..
quarrels and fights were reduced to the outmost minimum..
no fight lasted for more than a day..
and they were all brawls and little misunderstandings..

you might not know it..
but a little misunderstand could take your life..

the life as a single lion isn't that great after all..
it is gonna be sad and difficult..
very indeed..

these are my thoughts..
wad i really think..
and of course, i very much would like to see the rainbow rise up above the clouds again..

well, from now onwards..
i will understand more..
and i will never ever let it happen again..
never.. at all costs if possible..

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