Angels or Devils - Dishwalla

Thursday, June 5, 2008

One more day..

here's a recent book I've completed..
for one more day..
inspirational and interesting book to read..
it helps in spiritual growing..
as well as social consciousness..

making you aware of what is happening around you..
written in a way that you would really really appreciate the people around you..
you learn to love the people around you..
even if it doesn't really seem to matter now..
the relationships..
the vague recollection..
you treasure them..
for they won't last..
you know it..

soon, all will be gone..
it isn't a bad thing after all..
to die naturally..
as if it's god's will..

however, if you tried to kill yourself..
then that would be utter foolishness..

thy words i uphold..
if by any chance that it was broken..
i would die and be banished down to the depths of hell and peril..

cheers for the living..
and a toast to the dead..

what for??
it is just because u deserve it.

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