yeah the pics are out~~~
well that's quite a lot..
refer to the previous post for more details~~
Hooters~ an interesting restaurant/ bar at Clarke quay..
the curly wirly fries~~ Yummy ^^
the dunno what platter~~ Muahaha~
hooters' girls.. they are the servers there sorta tight fit clothes swinging hula hoops..lols..
and the sign says " caution blondes thinking"
andy and stace~
the wings~~~ there were many different flavours~and we ate 30~
the napkin there~
YEA YEA~ finally reached forbidden city~
Damn cool pub~
Woo Hoo~~Read that~~
the cozy and exotic environment of the inside~~
the bar top~~~
stace and i~~~
cool menu and candle~~
the neon lights there~
raymond and stacey
Our various drinks~~ Super nice~ =P
this is the candle~~ its damn nice..
" ICE PALACE"~~~ its a really damn good and cool place~
we went in~~ and had a free shot of voldka 42and look at the surroundings~~
mr bar man mixing our drinks for us~~
stace and i trying to keep warm... do u know why?????
Our mixed shots all lined up~~ and ready for drinking~
our first group photo for the day~~
stace and i with another bar man..he told us that the best record for a person standing inside there without a jacket on was 25 mins~~~~ waaaa... so cold~~
group photo number 2~~~its like brrrrrrrrrr... i am freezin out cold!!!
yeah~~ here we are~ at mos~~ Ministry of Sound~we were dancing for 4 hours straight.. so look at our faces~ almost like dead fish..
top 3 guys are Ignatius, Andy, Raymond..
stacy and i~~ tired from all the dancing and perspiring all over~~ omgs~END OF THE DAY~~
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