Sunday, September 30, 2007
Stupid Lao pok poks...
Hao lei ar..
Including the fact that i slept early last night i was shocked..
My body was drained..
No more energy left..
Charging but still no energy..
So sians..
Early morning wake up have to go to the supermarket to get veggies..
My mom wasn't free so i had to go..
I see all the aunties there..
There were ah sohs, lao aunties, siao char bors, ah mahs, housewives, lao bu si de, lao pok poks..
Got uncles too.. ah pek, ah cek, baldy, siao da por, house husbands..
Guess i was the only bear there..
Horrible sight..
Simi sai also bu fang guo..
Vegetables also must snatch..
I din't really know what to choose..
So i trusted my instincts..
When i set my sights on some nice looking ones, some ah soh will take it away..
This proves that i am slow in grabbing from all the lao pok poks and they are all super duper kia su..
Their eyes dunno grow where also..
Anyhow knock each other..
Some of them can be blind to the extent that their trolleys go crashing on to your legs..
Can you imagine how painful it is??
It's sickening to go for the morning stocks..
But if you don't go, the rest left would be poor ingredients..
And if so, when i get home, I'll be labeled as incompetent..
This is by far my most traumatic experience at the super market..
Poor bear cannot even get her chores done well..
T ~ T
Posted by
Xiong Xiong
7:03 PM
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Da Lan qiu~~
So went to play basketball with wei leong, tutu, and 1 of wei leong's friend..
Was a fun day ar..
Did so many things..
Have fun..
All together..
But at the end i feel hao lei ooo..
Later tutu went home and the rest of us went to eat..
We go eat the curry fish head near hougang mall there..
So nice~~
The meat super tender..
Nice gravy too..
I super hungry ar..
Ate fast..
Then we talked..
Until 9 plus..
So long liao..
So i faster pak home..
Hao kai xin ar wo..
Today is a good day ooo~~
I hope you will be happy too..
Note to tutu: hahahaha.. u not qian nian lao tu la.. haven go in 10 balls.. muahahahaha.. hope u had fun.. nex time we play again.. ^^
Posted by
Xiong Xiong
10:28 PM
Friday, September 28, 2007
Sudden illness.. Kao..
Feel faint..
Wad i do wrong again...
So sian la..
Then still got those stupid food tag..
I think i need a check up or wad..
Gonna die soon..
So sian..
Posted by
Xiong Xiong
10:54 PM
So I've been thinking..
Why do we yawn????
There are a few theories..
The first one is that we yawn to get more oxygen into our brain and body..
Also to get rid of the excess carbon dioxide..
And then when you are with alot of people in a room, you inhale more oxygen and the other people can't have more..
So in turn they yawn too..
That's why yawning is contagious~~
Next is the boredom theory..
Teachers hate this..
When we are bored, we yawn..
Maybe it's just a social sign to a third party that we are bored..
So siannnnn~~
Thirdly is the more stupid theory..
We yawn because we want to show our teeth to others..
Show them we can get nasty if we have to..
Some sort like a warning..
But also, we can't yawn with our mouths closed can we???
That time i tried it and i was super not happy..
I was dissatisfied of the feeling and wanted to make myself yawn again so as to get back that yawning feeling..
So, in conclusion..
I conclude that yawning is a very very complicated thing..
But overall, yawning is good..
So everyone..
Yawn more..
Posted by
Xiong Xiong
11:28 AM
Thursday, September 27, 2007
There's no need to fear.. UnderDog is here~~ ^^
Waaa this dog super cute~~
Posted by
Xiong Xiong
11:29 PM
Just now went for badminton matches with Cow they all..
Very interesting ar today..
See us play badminton can laugh de..
And i laugh until i almost cannot stand up..
I was surfing..
So i surfed to mao mao..
Then mao mao went to hit the ball back..
The ball was almost out of the court but never..
And she not confirm, so she decided to multi task..
In the end she yi bian hit the ball, yi bian look at the court line.. Cos she scared the ball out..
LOL.. in the end the ball no out, and she hit back.. but the ball no cross net..
Then everyone started laughing badly..
The scene so funny lo..
Another funny person is yokie ar..
She got 1 time wanted to save the ball badly..
So she did a nose dive into the ground..
Luckily she not hurt..
But her action very heroic..
Overall today's session was fun~~~
And funny~~~
Had so much fun..
But i so long no exercise liao..
Guess tomorrow i will get muscle aches..
Mi poor bear paw..
Hao ke lian arrr~
^ ~ ^ ==> T ~ T
Nice and fun day..
Weeeeee and double cheers~~
Hope you guys had fun toooo~~
Posted by
Xiong Xiong
6:15 PM
Starting of a new thursday.. Ending of a wasted wednesday.. Crap..
At yishun arrrr...
Shagged already..
Haven even reach..
Surprised i woke rather early ba..
Today cannot get to sleep..
Maybe because my dreams are too real..
And i got the fright of my life..
I think this holiday sux alot..
Big time..
Although not as bad as the last..
But still sucked..
No fun things to do..
So sian some more..
I feel like time is just being wasted away..
And poof..
Today is the 27th..
And the month is gonna end..
Whatever it is, it's gonna end too..
Well, After the good old sept is dumb oct..
I want Christmas to come soon..
Really soon..
I'm not really sure but i think Christmas has some positive air in it..
People tend to be more happy though..
Santa is back in town..
Receive presents..
Run around..
Just too bad Singapore doesn't have any snow.. lol
Go overseas~~~
But then considering the funds that i have, I'd rather not..
Drift le.. I think too much.. Damn crappy oso..
I just want my life back..
Please don't take it away anymore..
Dear God:
I want my life back..
I don't want to live as a puppet any more..
I want to be in control..
Oh.. Please help me..
Posted by
Xiong Xiong
9:16 AM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Mooncakes frenzy~
And i ate 2 whole roundy and full ones today..
Felt super full and bloated..
I think i can not eat for the next 3 days..
Xiao xiong oso like mooncakes alot..
But his moon cake is more difficult to find..
There must be honey inside it or he won't eat..
Kinda fussy huh..
Bad Xiao Xiong..
Recently got insufficient sleep..
Always wake damn early..
Just cannot get back to sleep..
I shi mian le..
Imagine waking up at 7am in the morning and clueless to what to do..
Gives me the creeps..
Makes me super bored too..
Tired of doing the same old things day after day..
I yearn for an adventure..
But i don't think anyone can help me..
Too wishful a thinking..
Smack myself..
But tomorrow i hope will be better..
Going out for a badminton match with cow they all..
Still mus roll my way to yishun..
Lei si wo le..
By the time i reach there my fur all drop liaos..
Become 1 pink bear..
But should have fun ba..
But having something to do is better than none..
Doing things enhances my brain too..
Then i will be called stupid lesser..
Today is generally a bored day..
Ask me out baa~~
I want go out..
So sians..
And here i am complaining to myself about being sian..
Like i can do anything..
Posted by
Xiong Xiong
4:44 PM
Monday, September 24, 2007
And i make myself read 1 daily..
Well, it has a significant meaning of life..
Sometimes i don't really understand why is the way of the story like that..
But after some explanation..
I finally understood..
There are also exceptions..
maybe because of human nature, i find myself disagreeing with it..
Every single thing affects how i think about it..
But all the times that i went lost, someone still came and pulled me back..
It's like a shock back to reality..
Impressive isn't it?
To be able to get someone back isn't easy..
Changing everything isn't easy too..
You have to have strong ideals..
Practically more of everything..
Such people are worthy of praise..
And i once remembered..
There was an Indian uncle i remembered..
His name was mutthu..
Well.. To be frank, i was a bit of bad to this uncle..
Sorta ignoring him because i simply had the concept of Indians being bad..
But i would definitely walk past him through the canteen in school..
He was the uncle selling prata..
Every morning without fail, he would say " Good Morning girl, nice weather today?"
I would just nod and walk off quickly..
Soon i find myself replying and saying hi..
Sometimes he cracked jokes only my dad would crack..
There was more of a friendship there..
At times when i had nothing to do..
I would go and have a look at his stall and ask him hows business that day..
Rather joyful..
He actually persevered on..
The smile is always on his face..
Just like 1 happy humpty dumpty that would smile for you every morning..
A rather kind person..
He definitely changed my view..
Although I'm still a bit of a racist..
I don't deny..
I can understand such kindness and determination of a person..
Impacts me..
And I've learnt..
Through experiences too..
And i still hope to grow..
If i can give a wise advice to someone..
I would be most happy..
Most contented..
Sure I've got setbacks..
Some wounds just take a longer time to heal..
And my immune system isn't that strong recently..
It really sets me back..
But still I'll try..
A little by little..
If i don't give up on myself, why should anyone else?
No matter how hard I've been hit..
After while, i still get back on..
With some scars reminding me of how it used to be..
Learn from that..
Ahem Ahem..
Not in Singapore?
I'm pretty sure online would do fine..
Left without a word..
No sending of flights, no nothing..
Was a a bit abrupt though..
Felt as if i was cheated..
But i saw through it..
So i await your return..
2 years later?
Or maybe more..
Understanding doesn't really mean looking at faces..
Why does time seem to go faster as we get older??
Couldn't really find an answer..
But in the end i did find one..
Time seems faster..
And we measure how fast it goes by, by relating to our past experiences..
The longer u and i live, the more time we have experienced..
When you are 5 yrs old, 1 week seems longer as compared when you're 20 because when you are still young, u have not experienced as much time as when you're 20..
Compare it to all the time you have experienced before, 1 week of your 20 years is shorter than 1 week of 5 years..
It would be more significant if you had lesser time to live..
So people tend to derive the theory of cherishing..
If you have more, you will never learn to appreciate it that much as compared to what you can have for only a moment..
For those people who can really cherish every moment, they are very blessed with such a gift..
Which naturally overcomes the human nature of being wasteful..
They understand the importance, of life..
I finally grasped the meaning of this..
And i know in the future, i would be experiencing fast days..
In a blink, all is over..
It's all very quick..
Emotions flare, rise and fall, sway, all to the heat of things..
Funny how one is to look and decide..
And not knowing how long you can or others can last, you have no definite answer to anything..
It may end now, tomorrow, or 50 years down the road..
If you look back, you will probably laugh at what you have done..
" Ohh, i was rather immature then"
Posted by
Xiong Xiong
6:40 PM
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Damn Everything.. FUCK FUCK FUCK!!
What have i done..
Why should i be treated like this..
Answer me??
Freak u..
Go to hell..
Banish yourself..
Screw the dogs..
Screw yourself..
Damn you..
Damn you to the ends of the earth..
I hope you get screwed a thousand times over and die..
Fuck off..
Hey you seemed nice..
Go to hell please..
Please don't show fake feelings..
Your empathy and sympathy suck big time..
You deserve the worst..
Off all..
I think i am the most sickening and guilty person on the earth..
You made me think so..
You sucker..
Screw off..
In my world now.. Almost nothing is left..
Why do you have to go and wreck everything for me..
Damn it fucker..
Answer me!!!
I wanna kill you..
I take back whatever that i said..
Well.. I was wrong..
Very damn wrong..
Do you know how is it to make someone live in hell for a period of time and trying to pretend to be happy?
Do you??!!!
Do you see the fake smiles i've been giving??
Do you know the meaning of this??
Do you get the idea of how disastrous this can be??
You've got a lot of nerve trying to wreck me up..
And i got myself into such things??
You don't even deserve to eat shit..
You should be tortured and left to die..
Blast you..
Go to hell..
I want you to know how much hurt you've caused..
Just disappear
Posted by
Xiong Xiong
7:25 PM
And i can't get to sleep..
Oh whatever..
Get the double meaning will you??
You're so damn slow!!
Posted by
Xiong Xiong
1:59 AM
Friday, September 21, 2007
Crazy Crazy- Bored Bored
This signals the end of the weekdays for this week..
Pretty fast eh..
Had many things undone and suddenly done recently..
Felt a whole load off my mind..
I wanna buy a cannon~~
And shoot wadever I'm not happy with out..
That's only a dream..
Today i woke rather early in the morning..
But due to the LARGE amount of food that i consumed..
My blood had no choice but to flow to my roundy stomach and give it a spin..
The great digestion plan..
But then, guess i ate too much..
Not long after, i felt drowsy and sleepy..
So i went to sleep..
And was in dream land until about 430pm..
What a long nap..
And i woke and ate again..
This time i ate 3/4 of what i ate just now..
Today eat alot..
As if it was my last supper..
Well, quite contented today..
But still.. SUPER BORED~
My eyes are like this.. -_-
BORING DAY~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I hope i can find some job next time that requires full time action..
That way i won't be bored..
Hahahahaa.. =P
Staying at home makes mi rot though..
I think I've rotted alot during the holidays..
Anybody wants to go out????
Or I'm gonna die of boredom..
You realised i don't really blog that often now???
I am so sianed that i became lazy..
Also nothing to blog about..
Talking about how bored i am only requires 1 post..
The rest can just crap..
So i'd rather sleep my way off..
Until i got something interesting and better to blog off..
And i hope so..
This blog is going to become my log book..
" The path of Bear Bear"
" Xiong Xiong zhi lu"
Next time i shall publish this book..
Be sure to buy it okays~
That's all for now..
Posted by
Xiong Xiong
7:16 PM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
A piece of advice to everyone..
Someone named J**** called me..
Well, i thought he was a typical office guy who called mi to go for a job interview..
But, NO..
In short, VE, or VE Group..
Ok, it goes like this..
Some admin or office guy calls you up and says hi..
You say hi too, then he continues..
" Hey, you're Ms Bla Bla right? I'm Mr SOandSo from VE group.. How old are you? Are you still studying?- then you answer- He says: Ohhhh.. I see.. We have some current job offers for you.. they are of flexible timing.. your job scope is like helping out managers in presentations, help in the sales and marketing department and such.. we pay by per assignment job.. for every assignment you complete, you will get paid around $300 to $500.. the presentations last for 2 to 3 hours only.. our company is located at 190 changi road, near eunos mrt station.. we have 3 time slots of orientation available for you.. 2pm, 5pm and 7pm.. if you reach give me a call, i will bring you to the company.. its just a 2 minute walk frm the mrt.."
Woos.. Sounds fishy?
Of course..
And when i asked him how the hell he got my hp number and name..
He said that through some HR referral or some survey or some friends..
He cannot even confirm the source..
And i don't even remember doing surveys recently..
What the hell..
This man just lied to me about the job offer..
It seems too good to be true..
And it seems like some business admin work..
But shit that..
It's a scam..
Come on people..
Why do sales people have to do such things..
Trick people?
This is some MLM gimmick..
I hate MLM- Multi Level Marketing
Where they recruit people and ask them to buy products and sell it to others..
For example..
You pay 2k for the products at members price..
Then they will ask you to persuade your other friends to join or buy your company product..
Just like some down line of yours..
So u happily become an idiot and buy it..
2k.. Cheap rate..
But.. How are you gonna sell it?
Your friends buy from you??
Who the hell is going to believe your stupid story and join that stupid company??
In the end, you're left with some products that you cannot sell away and cannot consume by yourself..
You're very very, STUCK..
What a load of crap..
Why do they have to lie or resort to underhand means to get youngsters to go to their seminars..
The job offer does not even seem right..
And tah dah..
I went online to check about this company and it's background..
Look what i found..
No website at all..
No background history..
And furthermore, there was this huge forum about how many people went for the seminar and found themselves trapped.. After listening to the managers talk for 2 to 3 hrs, they were offered the products to try on and join the company..
There you are, SCAMMED..
The worst part is calling people up and offering temporary admin jobs that seemed to be a good deal.. Almost too good to be true.. Lying and bluffing their way through the whole conversation..
What's more is their credibility.. They do not know how to answer you when u ask them how they manage to get your contacts..
Pretending to be some well established company..
They may keep your records for up to 2 years and then try calling you up again, asking you to join this and that..
It's just another crook on the line..
So my friends, take note..
And don't get scammed in future..
I'm angry at how this society has become..
Resorting to such underhand means..
If you're one of them, please FUCK off..
Thank you..
Posted by
Xiong Xiong
12:07 AM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Welcome Me~~
Animals and human..
I've woken up..
It's been a long time since i last blogged..
And it feels so short..
I was sleeping..
And hey.. time flies..
Well, nevertheless..
Good dreams, bad dreams..
They all wash me away..
Through the darkest nights..
Somehow i survived..
Don't know how much longer would i be here though..
I certainly hope it would be long enough..
Smiles fill my face..
I have no time to frown right?
If i should fall, that is if, then so be it..
But i promise to pick myself up..
To myself that is..
For me..
And everything else along with it..
You know what??
I'm gonna do all the things i like..
I don't care anymore..
I was always reserved in the past..
Leaving things out..
But now not..
I'll be doing what i want..
Anytime, any place..
Whoever who wishes to join me, please do so~
This is an invitation..
Next time and next time and next time..
In the near or far future..
Where ever it may be..
When ever it may happen..
What ever it will cause..
I'm prepared..
Come challenge me!!!
I will never be pushed down..
Yosh!!!~ [''\
- I wanna have something I can relate to.. Something which matters entirely.. To me..-
Posted by
Xiong Xiong
12:00 AM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Everything i do turns out to be NOT fine..
Even lying down gave me back problems..
Talking also gave me problems..
Thinking gets my brain fuzzy..
Really not a good day to be doing stuff..
Should be sleeping instead..
I predict..
I will be very sian..
Very very sian..
Bored of the boring day..
Saw a few birdies today..
They were all acting weird..
As if some snow would come to Singapore..
What crap am i uttering..
Really horrible day again..
Well, it seems i have been thinking and reasoning too much..
I caused myself my troubles..
Who can i blame?
ME of course..
I shall chop myself up, grind, mince and put me on a platter..
Together with seafood marimo and sauces..
The main course of the day..
Minced bear meat..
I bet many people would finish me in a shot..
Well, maybe because they hate me??
I don't know..
Hey, there's no sense talking here alright..
So don't talk sense to me..
Alright, if i manage to get eaten by those idiotic gruesome freaks, then i shall make myself useful and kill them all internally..
I will burst all their internal organs, light a fire in their stomach, tickle their bellies inside out so they can't scratch it, make them vomit their heart and etc..
Quite sadistic ain't i?
Guess so..
I've got some disease here..
Can't be cured within a day or so..
Who cares anyway..
How pitiful..
Poor bear dying in the drain..
I don't give a damn sucker..
Die for all you wish..
Just fuck off..
Actually, today someone told me i am not a vacuum cleaner..
Well.. I wanna agree with it..
But sometimes i can't help but not agree with it..
Thanks for your encouragement though..
Really appreciate it..
That's one fine line..
First time in the day someone told me something encouraging..
At least i laughed..
Quite surprising huh..
I was surprised myself too..
Surprised at my own stupidity..
I told myself to auto terminate my bodily functions..
But it doesn't work..
Guess sometimes my body gets defiant..
Oh ya..
I drew a lot of crap today too..
Drawing and drawing..
Just to vent some stupid thing off my head..
Sometimes i really am stupid..
I do stupid things..
I wanna have a clone or something..
So i can laugh at myself..
That IS crazy..
I am crazy..
Well, whatever..
I don't care, why should you..
Although I'd love that you do..
So much for my confusing thoughts..
See ya suckers..
Posted by
Xiong Xiong
10:21 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Actually this was my first time being so straightforward to someone..
Someone whom i cared for their feelings..
Well, i was thinking if it was a good idea..
Didn't think too much too..
But the moment i said it..
Some kinda harsh feeling came over me..
If you're reading this, this post is just to state how i feel..
Maybe this looks stupid or something..
If you read it u may think I'm being too paranoid..
Like how i really looked at myself..
Sometimes i can't help but to feel that beating around the bush is quite nice..
At least someone won't have to be sianed, or maybe another can regret less for what is said..
You don't like it..
Nonetheless, i feel a bit of regret here and there..
Guess that's why there are so many sorries..
Can't help it, can i?
The moment u say something..
It's done..
You can't take it back again..
It's like either i fall down hard and die or land with a soft thud..
The speaker is the one feeling the weirdness and hurt? and regret and what so ever feelings ( so confusing)..
Not the listener..
The listener will probably be laughing or something..
Guess that's all i can say..
Talking in this way does not make me feel right at all..
But i can't go around saying what i don't mean..
I'm in a confused state now..
Wondering if i should continue such actions in future..
There has already been a few times previously..
Didn't really dare to say..
But now, i really don't feel right..
So I'm voicing out..
To whoever it concerns most..
Thanks for trying to understand..
Posted by
Xiong Xiong
1:14 AM
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Wo Jing Tian Hao Lei arrr~~~ But~~
Today final day of work..
So tiring..
Find those runners find until i wanna die..
Some people can just go to the toilet and disappear..
Or say BRB and never come back..
They gave me cell phones numbers to call to..
But none of them picked the line..
They were like hot ants scrambling around..
Just can't stop..
In the end..
The bear paw finally took them into place..
Everything's over..
So tutu, bra and i went to suntec for a long walk..
And we ended up in the games convention hall..
Soooooo many games..
Can play until siao kind..
Nevertheless, we ended up queueing up for goody bags..
After the long wait for about 2 hours, we got it..
So we proceeded to the food expo and had some light food..
6 plus 7 ler..
So we headed home..
A rabbit and a bear..
Fell asleep on the train..
What i thought was going to be a sad day turned out to be quite good..
Seriously not bad..
Especially when i got home~~~
Loves, Loves, Loves
Posted by
Xiong Xiong
8:11 PM
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Mi Paw Doesn't Understand...
Today super sian..
Getting results soon..
More sian..
Sian until can die..
Seriously zzz..
What if i failed..
I guess that's what's on every one's mind too..
Well never mind..
It'll soon be over i guess..
I know i said it indirectly..
In the end i can't do it..
I can't be blamed for that?
In the end it's as if I'm wrong..
But why?
I don't take this crap..
Final straw..
Posted by
Xiong Xiong
11:26 PM
Friday, September 7, 2007
I Have Woken Up.
The bear has woken up already
Guess spring has come
And i am hungry
Need to find food
In search for food
And for something else
Something that satisfies the mind, heart and soul
Been thinking alot recently
Guess i should just let it go
I think it would pass
Let it be you may say
But things if left alone will rot
I would not want to see that
So i should just recycle it
Let it become something new
Something of better use
For some place or some other people
It all for the better of you and me and everyone else
The blog is officially opened again..
To the rabbit: Thanks!
Posted by
Xiong Xiong
1:53 AM